Tag Archives: Is Roca Labs Weight Loss Formula A Scam? | Gastric.
Rocalabs Scam Rip Off Roca Labs: Roca Labs Natural Gastric Bypass. Roca Labs Natural Gastric Bypass Formula is a scam, Gastric Bypass Alternative Roca Labs Natural Gastric Bypass Formula is a scam, Gastric Bypass Alternative Though the Formula is natural, it is very strong and. Roca Labs is a special Formula designed to create a "gastric bypass effect" or "gastric bypass. Gastric Bypass Natural Formula by Roca Labs >>Review ruditigan February 17, 2011 2. Gastric Bypass Natural Formula by Roca Labs, what is it? Natural gastric bypass. Is the no surgery mini bypass diet by RocaLabs a scam? - Yahoo. Hello my name is Fran. I am a middle aged woman in my late 40′s. I’ve been overweight most of my entire adult life. In 2010 I topped the scales at 235. Is the no surgery mini bypass diet by RocaLabs a scam?. an advertisement on Facebook for the mini gastric bypass no surgery by Roca Labs. Roca Labs | gastric bypass NO surgery alternative costs $480 with.