Mini 101: How To Get Symbols In Blackberry Messenger | i also want more symbol,please send to my bb 229D9B5D . thanks guys……… love BB Finding hidden symbols on BlackBerry devices. One thing that might trip you up though is that not all characters and symbols.
Cool Symbols to use on BlackBerry Messenger | PocketBerry
Hidden Flag Symbols BBM 5 - BlackBerry Forums at
How to find the hidden blackberry emoticons - How to add new.
... pictures..then highlight the camera and hit the bb key and go to show hidden..and. What does ( { } ) symbol mean. i get it from a bb torch. i think its an emotion but.
Finding hidden symbols on BlackBerry devices - Tutorials.
BB - Barbados BD - Bangladesh BE - Belgium - Belgique - Belgie BF - Burkina Faso. Any hidden symbols ! 315BCFD5 to share some Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry. its very close to the real symbol and you can copy and send it as an email to your bb, from here too () inside the brackets is the bb symbol, your bb will recognize it..